WHAT: Score 1,000 bonus points for every Sheraton Club Stay booked during the promotion period when using rate code DAILYFS or SICLUB.

KNOW: You must book online through the link or you can request that rate code when booking through the call center. Bonus is per stay and not per night.

2,000 Alitalia Points for New Account

WHAT: Just open up a free account with Alitalia’s mileage program and get 2,000 bonus miles.

KNOW: You can also score another 2000 points for taking a flight in April or another 2000 points for a flight within the next 3 months.

It’s Back! 25,000 Points with Alaska Airlines and Mastercard

WHAT: This is an AMAZING deal! Apply for the Alaska Airline Mastercard, pay the low fee of $79, and instantly receive 25,000 Alaska Airline points; enough for a round-trip anywhere in Canada or the continental USA!

KNOW: This is how I went to Austin, Texas for SXSW last week. No minimum spend. Just pay the $79 fee for the card and voila! 25,000 points.

Expires: unknown

Link to join Alaska Airline points: https://www.alaskaair.com/www2/ssl/myalaskaair/MyAlaskaAir.aspx?CurrentForm=UCMyAccountCreate&view=CB3626AF-44AF-4164-ADBB-0E4BC8F2DEE9

Link to apply for credit card: https://www.applyonlinenow.com/CACCapp/Ctl/entry?sc=CJWQ&lc=en_CA

NOTE: Not every deal will work for everyone. If it’s not a match, just delete it and wait for the next. Point accumulation works but it takes some time.